Zach Shirikjian
Game Developer, UI/UX Designer
As of November 9th, 2023, this website will no longer receive updates.
Please visit the updated Portfolio Website at
Status: Complete
Platform: PC, Mac, Linux
Team Size: 1 person (Solo)
Genre: Action, Puzzle, Rhythm
Roles: UI Artist/Designer, UI Programmer, C# Programmer, Level Designer, 3D Modeler/Animator/Texturer, Sound Designer
Programs Used: Unity, Photoshop, Maya, Ableton Live, Audacity
CLASH!! is a 3D action/puzzle game with small rhythm elements. Take simulatenous control of 2 characters, navigating through 5 floors of bite-sized puzzles. Both characters move opposite to each other, encouraging you to take advantage of each level's asymmetrical puzzle design. Bring Light and Dark together in the Clash Zone, and engage in a Clash! Have Light and Dark attack each other in a short rhythm minigame, timing your input to the notes that appear on screen. Enter a fast-paced race to reach the top of the tower before time runs out!

Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Unique Features
Take simultaneous control of 2 characters
Engage in rhythm-based combat!
Navigate through fast-paced, asymmetrical puzzles!
Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
What I've Learned
Modeled, textured, & animated 3D Models
using Maya -
Programmed Rhythm-based minigame system
Implemented UI functionality for Rhythm minigame
Asymmetrical Puzzle Design
Worked through the 3D-art asset pipeline for development
Composed original Music using Ableton Live