Zach Shirikjian
Game Developer, UI/UX Designer
As of November 9th, 2023, this website will no longer receive updates.
Please visit the updated Portfolio Website at
True Love's Checkout UI
Heart Meter


In-game screenshot of the Heart Meter.
UI Meter indicating the level of attraction a customer has for the player character. The meter increases if the player chooses a correct dialogue option during the Conversation gameplay portions, and decreases if the player chooses an incorrect dialogue option. If the meter is around 75% filled or more, the player can choose to date that customer at the end of the game. Created with Photoshop, and programmed with C# in Unity.
Extras Gallery (Profiles)

Separate bonus menu added with a post-launch update. Contains brief descriptions of each of the game's main characters, including the player, non-playable coworker, and all four of the dateable customers. Created using Photoshop and integrated into Unity.
Dialogue Box

Dialogue box used for cutscenes, and when players are interacting with customers during the conversation gameplay sections of the game. Created using Photoshop.