Zach Shirikjian
Game Developer, UI/UX Designer
As of November 9th, 2023, this website will no longer receive updates.
Please visit the updated Portfolio Website at
Status: Complete
Platform: PC, Mac
Team Size: 1 person (Solo)
Genre: Puzzle
Roles: All
Programs Used: Unity, Photoshop, Illustrator
Colorpillar is a short side-scrolling puzzle game about experimenting with color mixing. Mix your colorpillar's color
with the objects you interact with to progress through your childhood home!
This game was my final project for the Color Dynamics class, showcasing the important aspects of color I learned, including
contrast and hue.

Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Unique Features
Change your color by interacting with objects found
in your house! -
Learn accurate color mixtures as you play!
The color of objects change based on how you
interact with them.
Zach Shirikjian
Royalty Free
What I've Learned
Designed a minimalist, user-friendly UI
Implemented accurate color mixtures
with puzzle design -
Level Design using Unity's Tilemap system
Created art assets using a limited color palette
Concepted, designed, & animated an original character used for the game