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Face Pizza UI

Facial Gesture UI Animations


UI Animation

All of the Animations which are displayed on the How To Play menu in the Title Screen. These animations provide visual cues for the specific gameplay actions the players need to do while playing Face Pizza.

Sauce/Cheese UI Buttons


All of the Animation states for the Sauce Button UI. (Normal, Selected, Disabled). 


All of the Animation states for the Cheese Button UI. (Normal, Selected, Disabled).

Video of the Sauce and the Cheese Buttons functioning in-game.

UI buttons which allows the player to scrub their phone's screen and add sauce or cheese to their face pizza when tapped. Tapping one button temporarily disables the other, to allow players to only add Sauce or Cheese at a time. Tapping on a button or disabling it triggers a specific animation, injected with the cartoony personality found in Face Pizza. Assets created using Photoshop, animated using the built-in Tween component in Lens Studio, and programmed using JavaScript.

Facial Gesture UI Animations

UI Animation which plays if the player correctly matched their given Order.


UI Animation which plays if the player correctly matched their given Order.

Video of the MouthClosed Facial Gesture Event

functioning in-game.

Instead of tapping a UI button to complete an Order, players must close their mouth. Using Lens Studio's built-in MouthClosedEvent feature, closing the mouth triggers this gameplay event. Depending on whether the Order was correct or incorrect, a specific animation plays, helping indicate to players if they can move onto the next Order or not. Programmed with Javascript in Lens Studio, and animation assets created using Photoshop.

Topping UI Buttons


Figure 1


Figure 2

High-quality image assets for all of the Topping UI Buttons (Pepperoni, Mushroom, Olive, Onion, Pepper).

Figure 1: Normal States

Figure 2:  Selected States

Video of the Topping UI buttons functioning in-game.

UI buttons which allows players to add on a particular Topping to their face pizza after being dragged, depending on the button selected. Assets created using Photoshop, and programmed using JavaScript in Lens Studio.



Zach Shirikjian


© 2023 Zach Shirikjian.

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