Zach Shirikjian
Game Developer, UI/UX Designer
As of November 9th, 2023, this website will no longer receive updates.
Please visit the updated Portfolio Website at
Status: Complete
Platform: PC
Team Size: 1 person (Solo)
Genre: Hypercasual
Roles: UI Artist/Designer, UI Programmer, C# Programmer, Level Designer, 3D Modeler/Animator/Texturer, Sound Designer
Programs Used: Unity, Illustrator, Piskel, WolframTones
Embrace The Sunshine is a 2D, casual game where you play as the Sun, bringing back the joy to a bleak city. Use your sunshine rays to bring the happiness back to the Sad Objects, from wilting flowers to sad people. Switch between the two lanes of the road, shining your rays on the objects which spawn from the right side of the screen, approaching you.

Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Unique Features
Control the power of the Sun!
Bring happiness to Sad Objects with your Sunshine!
Quickly move up and down across a dual-lane spawning system!
Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
What I've Learned
Used the Type on a Path tool from Illustrator to design a Logo
Designing minimalist, user-friendly UI
Animated Logo on the Title screen with Unity's Animator component
Designed lane-system for Enemy/Object spawning
Created Pixel Art & Animations using Piskel