Zach Shirikjian
Game Developer, UI/UX Designer
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Status: Complete
Platform: PC, Arcade
Team Size: 1 person (Solo)
Genre: Puzzle, Platformer
Roles: All
Programs Used: Unity, Photoshop, Illustrator, Chiptone
Switchometer is a 2D-Puzzle Platformer, where you switch between Hot and Cold temperatures to solve puzzles. Your temperature changes your environment. Platforms melt when the temperature is hot, or freeze when the temperature is cold.
The original concept was made during the 2022 Global Game Jam, which had the theme "Duality". However, due to unfortunate circumstances, development of the game was pushed to April/May 2022. It is a retro-inspired game, using exclusively pixel art for the artstyle (except for the game's logo).
This project was completed in 9 days for the Game Design Student Association (GDSA) Showcase, hosted by Fitchburg State University. The game was also ported to the arcade machine at the univesity, titled Switchometer: Arcade Edition.

Switchometer: Arcade Edition, running on an arcade machine at Fitchburg State University.
Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Unique Features
Switch between Hot and Cold Temperatures!
Your temperature changes your surrounding environment!
Choose between Fahrenheit or Celsius Degrees
Swap between 4:3 and 16:9 (Full-Screen) Resolutions!
Zach Shirikjian
Royalty Free
What I've Learned
Designed a mechanically-polished, but mechanic-lite game
Established a consistent, retro-inspired pixel art style
Created a Settings Menu with gameplay-changing options
Ported a game to an Arcade Machine
Worked with multiple resolutions (4:3 and 16:9)