Zach Shirikjian
Game Developer, UI/UX Designer
As of November 9th, 2023, this website will no longer receive updates.
Please visit the updated Portfolio Website at
Status: Complete
Platform: PC
Team Size: 3 people
Genre: Roleplaying, Adventure
Roles: UI Artist/Designer, UI Programmer, C# Programmer,
Systems Designer, Audio Implementer
Programs Used: Unity, Photoshop, Audacity
The Fall of Mexica is a top-down adventure game with a
historically-accurate recreation of 16th century Mexico, taking
place during the Spanish invasion of the country. Explore a portion of the capital city of Tenochtitlan as a Nahual citizen, for the welcoming ceremony of the incoming villagers. Intended to be
a small chapter of a larger game, depicting the entirety of the
Spanish invasion of Mexico.
Our team worked with historical primary sources written during the
16th century Spanish invasion of Mexico, and ensured that our environment, characters, and narrative would accurately reflect the events depicted during this time period.

Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Sam Hilty
Zach Shirikjian
Unique Features
Explore a historically-accurate recreation of the Tenochititlan capital as a Nahual citizen
Learn about ancient Nahual culture, from their gods to their human sacrifice rituals
Discover the true events behind the Spanish invasion of Mexico, told from the Nahual perspective
Sam Hilty
Thomas Nichols
Zach Shirikjian
Zach Shirikjian
Royalty Free
What I've Learned
Engineered a Minimap UI system
Designed user-friendly UX for GUI elements
Implemented full map of game world
Matched aesthetic of UI/art elements with
historical 16th-century Nahual culture